Sunday, March 6, 2011

Demo Virgin or Is this your first time here?

So we went to our first Demo Saturday night. After we paid and walked in a little ways, this women walks up to me and says I know you. Of course, I would meet someone I haven't seen since high school. Of all places, LOL. We talked for a while and she told me, that this was their 3rd time coming to a meeting/demo and that her husband had got her to come to the meetings. While I had gotten my husband to come to it. (Why is it the submissive one is the one talking the Dominate one into going to these?)

The demo was on Flogging. Yes, Flogging. It was a great demo. Husband said he learned somethings and that we would try them. I introduced him to someone I had met with over a year ago and it was nice seeing her and her boy again.

We got to see our first dungeon. It was interesting. There were a few people taking advantage of the equipment but it seemed pretty quiet. Of course, I'm just guess at this since it was our first time there.

Being the wall flower that I am, I saw a couple of other people that I might of befriend on another site but was to chicken to just walk over to them and say hi - I'm heather. We've talked on ... Maybe next time, at least I hope there will be a next time.


  1. What is a demo? Did you and your husband enjoy it?

  2. A demo is demonstration of how to do something, in this case it was Flogging someone with a flogger. The group here in the Kansas City area tries to put on a demo once a month of different activities in the lifestyle. Very informative and instructive and you can ask questions during the demo so you can learn how do the things we do. LOL
