Wednesday, April 13, 2011

New Adventure

So the husband has agreed to let someone else spank me Friday night. I don't know if I like this idea or not especially since this other person is a woman. I mean I do know this person and have known her for a long time but still no one has ever spanked as an adult but my husband. We've talked about it and I know he is excited about it. He wants to learn somethings from her and I think he will differently learn how to spank me is new ways. LOL run and hide LOL

I am kind of excited about it but since we've never done anything like this before it will be a first. At least it will be in our home so we will be comfortable and I can stop it at any time. Wish me luck. I've got the aranca cream ready to rub on for after care. Her husband keeps egging me on with stories of how she is going to just whale on my back side, he is not helping the cause.

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