Monday, March 28, 2011

"Ashia" a blogger I read said the follow:

"Guilt is what you feel when you’ve done something wrong.

Shame is what you feel when someone else has done something wrong and you’re taking responsibility for it.”

That definition has given me lots of “aha moments” both for myself and other people.

So i corrected myself.

Everyone deserves respect.

Part of the point of the BDSM community is that we understand that one can be submissive, can be into cock worship and spankings and all kinds of things and still deserve respect. They do not need to know me personally to know that. i don’t have to “earn” that respect – it’s a starting place for all of us.

It that’s not the starting place for them, that’s about them, not me."

She has such incite. I just loved what she had to say.


  1. Yes, mutual respect needs to be a given, a basic. "i don’t have to “earn” that respect – it’s a starting place for all of us." I could not agree more! Sara

  2. Heather,
    The word is "insight" not "incite". If you make mistakes like this I may be "incited" to give you a good spanking

  3. Oh oh the grammar police got after me.
