Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Guilt - Deserved or Nor?

So I'm holding the husband to a promise he made me a year ago. He promised to go to a demo with me but it had to be one I really wanted to go to and have meaning to me. So that day has come or will come on Saturday when a Flogging demo is held. And of course, he doesn't want to go. But after a long talk on the phone, we are going.
Now I feel guilty for forcing him to go. I know he doesn't want to go and the only reason he is going is because I want to go. Oh and I said I would go without him. I know I know that is really bad, but I really want to go to this demo. They don't offer it often and I think he could learn a lot from seeing the proper way to flog. I know it will be to intense for him. He grew up in a house hold that always showed proper respect for women - no hitting. So for him to flog me or spank me is asking a lot of him.
He tried to joke about it by the end of the conversation, telling me I had to pay the cost to get in (I had to confess that I was already a member and had been for 2 years, so it won't cost me to get in until the membership runs out). That got an "Oh, really" out of him. I didn't hide it. I wrote a check for the membership. I just didn't tell him what it was for.
But the guilt has set in already so by Saturday - it should be really bad. Knowing my luck, I'll make myself sick worrying about the guilt of making him keep his promise.
The joy of life.

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