Friday, August 26, 2011

August wish for magic pills

August has been an interesting month. My Dad has been in the hospital. My baby cat (yes, she is six years old but she's still my baby) has bladder stones and may be facing surgery, we'll know Monday. Work has been crazy and my birthday is Monday.

Dad hasn't been feeling well for over a year now. The doctor's have figured out the main problem but the medicine he has to take for that disease messes with his glaucoma. If he doesn't take the medicine the ramifications could be at the least blindness and the most death. Of course, with taking the medicine it causes his eye pressure to go up and that is bad for his glaucoma - which could cause him to go blind. Damned if you do and damned if you don't. His also been having breathing problems - this is what caused him to be in the hospital. I wish there was a magic pill to help him. I'm trying to spend more time with him but he is so tired and sleeps so much that when I'm out at the house he is in bed most of the time.

My sweet baby cat started having problems August 9th. The vet figured out she had 5 bladder stones August 11th. We've changed her food and they gave her an antibiotic plus pain meds. They gave us pain meds to give her and we're trying to see if the food and antibiotic will dissolve the stones, if not she'll be having a $980 surgery this coming week. There is not question as to if we will do the surgery or not, she is my baby and she will have it. R is in agreement but is not happy about the cost. I just remind him that we paid out a lot more for Sophie our 15 year old diabetic cat. She had diabetes for 5 years. We gave her a shot every morning and every evening. Planned trips around her (one us always stayed home). We rarely went on a trip together as we would have to board her and she hated being at the vets. Wish there was a magic pill to make the stones go away.

The big 45 on Monday. It doesn't seem possible that I'm going to be 45. I don't feel that old. Sometimes I forget how old I am, then I walk past a mirror and see myself and it is a shock that, that is me. I still picture myself in my mind in my 20's. I wish I still had the body I had in my 20's but I'm working on that. R doesn't say anything about my weight but I recently found out I weight more than he does, only by a few pounds but still that sucks. I've got to get moving. I know that is my problem - exercise - hate it! I want a magic pill for that too!

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