Wednesday, October 19, 2011

So why do I take it personal?

So I don't often leave comments on others blogs but sometimes I do.  I try to keep my comments short, simple to the point and not drone on about off topic things.  So why does it bother me when they have it set up that the comments have to be approved and my comment doesn't make the cut? 

I don't know these people.  Granted I've been reading their blogs for some time, normally before I will make a comment.  Or I'll comment that I've just started reading their blog and am enjoying it.

I know that I'm no Nora Roberts of flowing prose.  But I'm honest in my opinions and comments I leave.  Just another of my stupid insecurities.  Why do I need the approval of someone I don't know, of something I said, that they don't seem to care about any way?  I've got to get a thicker skin or maybe leave my comments as anonymous from now on, but I hate when people do that, if you don't want to claim the words than don't write them.  I think I use correct punctuation and always use spell check.  I try to make sure I re-read before I post anything. 

Blah - Bite me if you don't like my comments.


  1. I can understand your frustration when you take the time and effort to write comments and they are rejected. It's natural to take that personally. My only advice would be to move on and comment on sites that welcome your comments.


  2. Sometimes when people moderate their comments, they forget that they have to go in and read and approve them. And others take a few days to get around to doing it. They probably don't mean to exclude your comments.

    Why not comment on blogs that don't moderate comments? There are plenty of those, although most blogs wisely require "Capcha" word verification.

    So you subscribe to comments whenever you leave one? If you do, you'll always know if and when your comments were approved and published.


  3. Sometimes things get sent to the spam box too and it can be hard to remember to check that.
    It's hard not to take things personally out here lol, but I think that as long as you write things you believe in (whether it be comments or blog posts), that's what really matters.
    It's less about what other people think than what you think of yourself and your words. If you can stand behind your statements then they are worth making.

    Now, having not had coffee yet, I will wander off to start my day wondering if my comment here came out completely stupid lol.

  4. Thanks everyone for your comments. I know I shouldn't take it personally, guess I'm just feeling over emotional lately.

