Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Being without him

I'm finding out what life would be like without R in it and I don't like it.  R left Monday and won't be back until Thursday. 

I've had to deal with problems at the house (R usually takes care of these things). 

There have been problems at work. 

I got the flu shot and it made me sick. 

The cats have been grumpy because he is gone (and so have I). 

It's been very lonely without him.  :(

I don't like this life without him.  I want him home and I still have two days before he is back here.  I know he will be tired when he gets back from his trip and will want to just have a quiet night.  Life is much easier with R home.  I know what to expect.  What to do.  When to do it.  I want him home.

I've never minded being alone before but this time has been different.  I think with my Gram passing recently I just need him here with me not away.  Knowing he is close, just a few minutes drive away not hours away is a big difference. 

Come home soon my Sir.

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