Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Weird happening at Vanilla party

So Saturday night we're about ready to leave the party.

We're standing with my sister-in-law and brother-in-law and the gentleman walks up to us.  He looks directly at me and starts says, The masochist says to the Sadist, "Beat me, beat me."  The Sadist says to the masochist, "No." Lucky at this point someone else walked up and joined us, so nothing was else was said.

It was very weird and distributing.  I just looked at the guy with wide eyes and moved closer to R.

The next morning I asked R about it and he said it was a really old joke.  I told him I thought it was weird that this guy that we didn't know would walk up to us and tell it.  And that he was looking at me the whole time he did it.  I still feel very uncomfortable when I think about it. 

I wonder it he has been at a function we have attended but most of them are small enough that we would have recognized him (all except the auction we attended recently).

1 comment:

  1. I can understand you feeling uncomfortable when you think about it. It seems so strange for him to tell that kind of a joke while looking at you. Maybe just a coincidence.

